

Armed Security Service: How Guards Become Experts 

Jul 24, 2024

There is no room for compromise when your safety is at stake. You want to know that the armed guards you’ve hired are highly trained, capable, and prepared to handle whatever comes their way. 

Armed security service professionals can be a valuable layer of protection for businesses, individuals, and high-value assets. But not all armed guards are the same. You need to choose a security service that prioritizes ongoing training and development for its team, ensuring they have the skills and expertise to mitigate risk and keep you safe. 

Looking for a highly trained armed security service? Learn more about how security guards become experts in protection and the kind of training they should go through before they start working on your security detail. 

What It Takes to Join an Armed Security Service

State regulations regarding firearm licensure and becoming an armed security guard will vary, and specific training programs will also differ depending on the security company you choose. However, a reputable armed security service will prioritize ongoing training so their team members can professionally handle whatever happens on the job. Here are some key areas you’ll want covered in your armed security guard’s training. 

Background Checks

Security companies should conduct an in-depth investigation to verify an applicant’s suitability for a security job and ensure they have a clean criminal record and nothing in their past that would concern a potential security detail. 

State Permits and Licensing 

Security guards must obtain state permits and licensing. These permits often require rigorous qualifying exams that assess the candidate’s knowledge of state laws. It might also cover topics like the regulations on the use of force, detainment procedures, emergency response protocols, and relevant state statutes. Passing these exams ensures armed guards understand their legal authority and limitations on the job. 

Firearms Training

Extensive firearms training is essential for an armed guard. Their training should include: 

  • Safe handling practices 
  • Marksmanship skills 
  • Weapon familiarization 
  • Proficiency in various firearms 

Their training should also include when it is (and isn’t) reasonable to use a firearm while working within the protective services. 

Self-Defense Training

Firearms should be the last line of defense for a security guard. They should also receive comprehensive self-defense training. This will give them skills to de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation while defending themselves and others. 

Security Procedures 

Guards must understand proper security protocols, practicing them until they are second nature. Training should include: 

  • Access control 
  • Patrol techniques 
  • Surveillance methods 
  • Emergency response procedures 

These procedures will vary for different environments, so there may be other training depending on whether the armed guard is stationed at a bank or construction site or assigned to personal protection. 

First Aid Training 

Guards can act as first responders in an emergency, so they need to know how to help. They should receive first aid and CPR training to assist in cases of injury, accident, or sudden health emergency. 

De-escalation Tactics 

Security guards can deter potential criminal acts, and their de-escalation skills are essential. Through effective communication, conflict resolution, and crisis management training, guards learn to recognize and defuse potentially volatile situations. 

PEAK Security Invests in the Best for Your Protection

Security needs are constantly changing. New threats emerge and alter the legal landscape. At PEAK Security, we understand that going through training once isn’t enough for armed security service professionals. That’s why we invest heavily in ongoing training programs for our personnel. This ensures our team stays up-to-date on the latest threats, security techniques, and legal developments. 

By investing in our team, we ensure that our armed security guards are highly proficient and confident in their abilities to protect you, your property, and your assets. So when you choose PEAK Security, you choose peace of mind. 

Contact us today to learn more about our armed security services and how we can keep you safe.